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"How Giving up Alcohol Can Bring Clarity to Your Mind and Life"

Today, I wanted to share Mr. Barnes's story. This story is based on clinical work completed by one of the clinicians in the MMW clinic. The identity of the client has been preserved to maintain confidentiality. Mr. Barns walked into my office and stated he had given up alcohol. I was curious to hear why he made such a decision. Our work together did not focus on addiction. We worked on managing stress, processing trauma, and finding a new identity beyond the job he was in. He used alcohol as a coping mechanism to relax at the end of the day, drinking daily 1-3 drinks. This powerful story can help guide others to clarity. Before we begin, let's reflect on the moments when alcohol plays a role in our lives. In most cases, it comes into our lives to help shift the state of boredom, lower stress, and relax our inhibitions during social events, allowing one to feel "open and free and numb out unpleasant feelings or enhance the state of joy. Mr. Barns shared that the primary reason he quit is noticing significant gains in his physical and mental performance. "I have never felt this clear, as strong and capable in my life; alcohol was dragging me down. I don't want to lose what I have gained."

Most people give up alcohol due to "hitting rock bottom." Hitting rock bottom implies that an individual's addiction leads to several impairments connected with their physical health, loss of important relationships, legal issues, financial issues, or all of the above. Mr. Barnes is one of the few who made such a wise decision to prevent addiction from leading one to "rock bottom." Unsurprisingly, most people commit to significant life changes and break out of their daily inertia during two unique moments. Those moments are either avoiding pain or excitement about the gains they anticipate acquiring through the journey of change on the way to a specific goal. Mr. Barnes decided to be proactive regarding his relationship with alcohol. You, too, can be the next Mr. Barnes. If you are reading this blog, I encourage you to avoid falling to rock bottom and focus on identifying your why, tapping into your gifts and talents, and setting your powerful goals. Use your current frustration, unmet needs, and desires as fuel for setting goals that will move you to the next level.

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